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[RMKD] Basic Event Selector

*WARNING! Basic understanding of RPG Maker is required.*

Many fellow RMer once asked, “How to create character selection on my project?”

There are many script / plugin for it (which I won’t dare mention it). Advanced RMer will recommend using event and explain such complicated method (autorun, parallel process, such, etc etc). Whichever is good as long as it works. It’s all depend on what you need. On this case, let’s treat this problem as an “How to create picture selection”

Me? Yes, I would recommend using eventing. But with the simplest (yet catchy) method. Eventing is the most friendly and creative way of using RPG Maker. And eventing didn’t change much on all RPG Maker series. Mean, this method is usable to any RM series.

What you are going to create


What you need to do


You may then further use the variable value as the return information.


If you fully understand how it works, using some creativity, you may even create something like this :


The game project is lost into oblivion.


I am not good at explaining and stuff. If there’s happen to be any question, please leave a comment below. This post might as well be updated later.

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