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[RMKD] Advanced Eventing – Animated Character Selection

*WARNING! Basic understanding of RPG Maker is required.* This is the more advanced version of [RMKD] Basic Event Selector which is also come with speedup video guide of it. The Big Picture Demo The game project is lost into oblivion. Feedback I am not good at explaining and stuff. If there’s happen to be any question,… Continue reading [RMKD] Advanced Eventing – Animated Character Selection

All · Experiment

[RMKD] Basic Event Selector

*WARNING! Basic understanding of RPG Maker is required.* Many fellow RMer once asked, "How to create character selection on my project?" There are many script / plugin for it (which I won't dare mention it). Advanced RMer will recommend using event and explain such complicated method (autorun, parallel process, such, etc etc). Whichever is good… Continue reading [RMKD] Basic Event Selector